KNOWN BUGS: -Font is often unreadable if it's centred due to weird antialiasing (deemed unsolvable, likely an browser-handled thing instead of a CSS thing) -Font is also hard to read if the font size isn't a multiple of 12 -You can't save or export if you have an unusual character in your dragon's name -Sigil automation tab apparently doesn't initially show until refresh for some people -Plutonium tab disappears for some people -Sometimes knowledge achievements aren't unlocked until the page is refreshed -Knowledge reward range is sometimes slightly off for small amounts TO DO: -More hotkeys -Change sigil upgrade max alls so that they use all of the resources -Finally rearrange the stuff in the resource tab (or make it easier to do so) v1.0.0 (09/07/23) -The end of the game. -Added finality cubes! -Added a new dragon stage -Changed the nuclear pasta info window to disappear immediately when mouse is moved -Fixed finality essence upgrade 3 cost starting at 1.00e16 when it should start at 1.00e15 -Fixed knowledge upgrade 2 effect flickering when bought manually -Fixed screen jolting around when tab key is pressed (tab indexing) -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.12.2 (07/07/23) -Added a new dragon stage -Added some new finality essence upgrades and a new death essence upgrade -Fixed knowledge sometimes getting stuck on 0 -Actually fixed formatting for time spent with dragon (as well as other cooldowns) v0.12.1 (06/07/23) -Added finality essence! -Added a new nuclear pasta upgrade -Fixed blue fire and holy fire upgrades flickering to 0 when being bought manually -Fixed visual issue with one of the hypergod achievements -Fixed death essence max all not spending the right amount -Fixed console always displaying a source map error -Somehow nobody caught that magic upgrade 5 didn't do what it said it did for like 8 months -Other minor bug fixes and changes -Removed Herobrine v0.12.0 (05/07/23) -Added nuclear pasta! -Added max all and auto max all for cosmic plague upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added max all for essence upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Fixed formatting for time spent with dragon -Fixed errors with importing saves -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.11.1 (02/07/23) -Added death essence! -Added a new dragon stage -Fixed planet achievement 5 saying planet achievement 6's reward -Fixed dark essence effect displaying incorrectly -Fixed being able to input knowledge trade levels outside of the intended range -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.11.0 (30/06/23) -Added light and dark essences! -Added a new oganesson upgrade -Added Patreon link in info tab -Improved the load function to allow for adding onto saved arrays when loading v0.10.1 (28/06/23) -Added oganesson! -Added a new dragon stage -Added a new cosmic plague upgrade -Added buy max buttons for plague upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Dragon image can no longer be dragged -Bought void magic upgrades are now less garish -Fixed void magic unlock not checking for holy fire -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.10.0 (26/06/23) -Added the OMNIVERSAL HYPERGODS -Added cosmic plague and spores -Added buy max for planet forming (unlocks through achievements) -Variables now update twice per second instead of once -Fixed "next at" for dodecahedrons not disappearing when it should -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.9.2 (22/06/23) -Added superclusters! -Added some more void magic upgrades -Removed some old extraneous code -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.9.1 (22/06/23) -Added planets! -Added some more void magic upgrades -Added a new holy fire upgrade v0.9.0 (21/06/23) -Added holy dodecahedrons! -Added void magic upgrades! -Added some more holy octahedron upgrades -Added a new dragon stage -Removed Heresy as a hell layer option (it won't be added to the gameplay) -Fixed holy fire upgrades saying "blue fire" -Fixed blue fire upgrades being bought before blue fire is gained each tick -Fixed sigil powers sometimes flickering to 0 -Hopefully fixed too many octahedron upgrades being purchasable when the tab first appears -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.8.1 (12/02/23) -Added holy octahedrons! -Added holy fire! -Added buy max button for tome upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added auto max all for sigil upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added a new hell layer! -Removed achievement stars (they're extremely buggy) -Clicking on a resource in the resource tab now takes you to that resource -Fixed holy tetrahedron amount not updating in the resources tab -Fixed some visual bugs in the holy tetrahedron tab -Fixed knowledge trades not resetting on holy polyhedron reset -Fixed sigil power sometimes going below 0 -Added a secret dragon Easter egg -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.8.0 (01/02/23) -Added holy tetrahedrons! -Added achievement stars! Fully completed achievement rows now have some extra goals to reach -Added hotkeys for activating/deactivating magic challenges and converting tomes -Free uranium/plutonium gain is now based on highest ever to get, with platinum now also receiving it -Some dark magic upgrade costs are cheaper -Top left tabs can now be closed -"Pet your dragon" button will now change to indicate when you cannot pet your dragon any more -Some challenge-related QoL is attainable earlier -Fixed blood gain exploding due to Greed not affecting gold/click -Fixed orange sigil upgrade 4 not becoming inactive on reload if bought -Fixed buying miners sometimes not working -Fixed being able to use certain hotkeys before you unlock them -Fixed platinum upgrade 7 becoming 20/10 in certain cases -Other minor bug fixes and changes -The game now also has some reworked sprites thanks to the talented Zaxolotl! v0.7.4 (15/12/22) -Added yellow sigils! -Added max all and auto max all for blue fire upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added auto max all for knowledge upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added automatic plutonium gain (unlocks through achievements) -Fixed trade level input having "next" option on mobile that broke the UI -Fixed sigil resetter changing to cyan sigils when upon refresh when set to red or orange sigils -Hopefully fixed the achievements tab going off screen on smaller devices -Fifth plutonium upgrade now properly remembers how many times it has been bought -Dark magic upgrade 17 is now more expensive -"Settings and info" tab now just says "Settings" -Fixed changelog link not working -Changelog and Discord links now open in new tab v0.7.3 (08/12/22) -Added orange sigils! -Added max upgrade buttons for red and orange sigils -Added hotkeys (finally) -Fixed the loading screen not disappearing for first time players (how this went unnoticed by me for so long is a mystery) -The info in the settings tab has now split into its own tab -Changed export/import to use a text field so that exporting and importing can be done on mobile -Added some alerts for being in magic challenges, being in hell and when the sigil resetter is on -Unlocking a tab now pans over to that tab -The auto sigil resetter now has more options -Hopefully fixed saves for all the people who bought plutonium before unlocking more dark magic upgrades -Fixed the red sigil upgrade 2 cost for the people who still have the issue -Fixed the knowledge trade level slider being on the far left when opening the page -Fixed being in hell sometimes causing NaNs -Hopefully fixed most other NaNs -Auto dragon feeding now feeds the maximum amount instead of 1 by 1 -Spending time with the dragon now accounts for time spent out of the tab -"Nerfs for this layer" now says the correct layer name -Other minor bug fixes and changes -Added Jake v0.7.2 (04/12/22) -Okay NOW the tome upgrades are fixed I promise -Red sigil upgrade 1 now says RSP instead of PSP (as it should) -Fixed red sigil upgrade 2 being initially unbuyable (if you haven't bought it you may have to buy it once, it'll cost 2500 RSP) -Added text to clarify planet form caps v0.7.1 (03/12/22) -Hell nerf now affects gold/click to stop people gaining tremendous amounts of blood immediately -Plutonium tome upgrade now requires having dark magic upgrade 11 to prevent people buying it before unlocking more dark magic upgrades -Red sigil tome upgrade now requires having plutonium unlocked to prevent people buying it before plutonium -Did a few fixes for knowledge trade resetting v0.7.0 (03/12/22) -Added BLOOD -Added a new alchemy layer: Plutonium! -Added red sigils! -Added some more tome and dark magic upgrades -Added buy max buttons for blue fire upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Added text input for knowledge trade level -Added automatic knowledge gain (unlocks through achievements) -Knowledge trade cost ranges now includes knowledge reward range -Knowledge trade level is now capped at 9,999 -Knowledge upgrade 2 no longer scales as fast -Reward-giving achievements are now a bit easier to tell apart -Blue fire upgrades now disable when you cannot afford them -Hopefully fixed some things that might cause NaNs -Fixed achievements tab looking ugly when the scroll bar appears -Made a few speed optimizations -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.6.3 (22/11/22) -Added a new dragon stage -Added some more tome and blue fire upgrades -Added a counter to show your dragon's stage -Added buy max button for knowledge upgrades (unlocks through achievements) -Hopefully fixed miner buy max causing NaNs -Indigo upgrade 3's effect now caps at ^30.0 -Fixed violet sigil upgrade 1's price being set to indigo sigil upgrade 1's price -Fixed a few text mistakes v0.6.2 (07/11/22) -Added blue fire! -Added a few more tome upgrades -Tomes now have a buy max button -Magic hardcap text now disappears when magic goes below e5,000,000 -Discord link now has its own section in the settings -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.6.1 (30/10/22) -Added tomes! -Removed the knowledge trade reroll button -Knowledge trades are now more expensive (sorry) -Knowledge stuff has been generally nerfed a bit -Fixed knowledge trade cost ranges not displaying correctly -Magic effect hardcap is now a magic hardcap to prevent magic amounts going crazy -Fire max all and auto max all buttons have been moved to the top of the tab -Loading the game should be a bit faster -Added a loading screen for when the game takes a while to load -Fixed knowledge upgrade text not updating in some cases -Fixed issue where max all sigil upgrades button appeared too early -Fixed pink sigil resets not asking to confirm if you have 0 to gain -Removed Herobrine v0.6.0 (29/10/22) -Added knowledge and knowledge trades! -Fixed indigo achievement 1 not properly working sometimes -Fixed final 2 dark magic upgrades being purchasable earlier than intended -Fixed export option on mobile -Dragon tab height now changes dynamically based on content instead of being hard set based on progress -Unfortunately had to remove the 4D baseball minigame, it was laggy and kept causing errors :( v0.5.1 (25/10/22) -Fixed issue where certain early game players would have platinum upgrade 7 at 20/10 instead of 10/10 -Swapped the rewards for cyan sigil achievements 1 and 2, meaning automatic spending time comes earlier -"Gain more platinum and uranium upgrades" cost has been reduced from e450 to e420 -Achievement info no longer scrolls with the achievement icons, keeping it readable if you scroll down v0.5.0 (23/10/22) -Added achievements, which can give you QoL bonuses -The QoL bonuses now work differently! Most now come from the new achievements instead of upgrades. They have also been generally moved earlier in order to make the game a bit less grindy -Reworked several magic upgrades to rebalance for achievements -Removed QoL related sigil upgrades and uranium upgrades as they have now been replaced with achievements -You can now name your dragon! It doesn't have any practical effect, but it's cool -Some sigil requirements and upgrade prices have been changed -"Next magic at" text now persists for longer -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.4.4 (10/10/22) -Added pink sigils! -All traces of "purple" sigils have been wiped from existence. We are not to speak of them any further. -Fire max all now divides gold up equally between the upgrades instead of maxing each upgrade in a row -Fixed performance issue in which render would occur too often when clicking and dragging -Reduced "Unlock more magic upgrades" requirement from 275k magifolds to 150k -Number formatting now has 2 digits of precision for the mantissa instead of 3 -Fixed some issues with loading earlier saves -Dragging controls are now implemented for mobile -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.4.3 (05/10/22) -Added violet sigils! -You can now pet the dragon (unlockable with violet sigils) -Nerfed some of the indigo sigil upgrades -The game now works on mobile! -Added movement using the arrow keys -Added option to disable the background pattern -Some icons have been changed -Fixed endgame inflation issue (magic effect is now softcapped again past e100,000) -Fixed issue with clicking and dragging getting stuck if you drag your cursor out of the window -Fixed issue with right clicks causing undesired panning -Fixed fire upgrades resetting to the wrong price on magic reset -Fixed more weird rounding issues -Platinum upgrade 7 is now actually kept on magic reset like it says -Fire upgrade 3 has been buffed slightly -Began splitting script.js into multiple files for ease of reading going forward -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.4.2 (30/09/22) -Added indigo sigils! -There's finally an upgrade to gain score automatically! YIPPEE -Blue sigil effect is slightly stronger -Fixed weird rounding issues for large powers of 10 -Changed number formatting for numbers over 1e10,000 -Changed magic and sigil resets so that you will always be asked to confirm if you will gain nothing from resetting -Hopefully finally fixed the issue with dragging getting stuck on if your mouse is over a disabled button -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.4.1 (27/09/22) -Added blue sigils! -Added a time played stat (in the settings and info tab) -Fixed exploit that allowed players to gain lots of free gold at the start of challenges -Fire effect text in dragon tab now displays correctly if you have dark magic upgrade 6 -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.4.0 (25/09/22) -Added a new prestige layer: sigils! -Dragon time spent effect now says "capped" when you hit the cap (^2.5) -Magic effect is now softcapped past 1e1,000 -Rearranged a few tabs (settings tab is now in the top left corner with the resources tab) -Screen now pops up for mobile users telling them they are unable to play on mobile (I haven't yet been able to get mobile to work) -Even more buttons are no longer fuzzy -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.3.2 (18/09/22) -Added dark magic upgrades! -Fixed fire buy max buttons not appearing when upgrade is bought -Made the magic upgrade code a LOT shorter and faster v0.3.1 (17/09/22) -Added some new platinum and uranium upgrades! -Added buy max buttons for fire upgrades -Replaced the home icon with a better image -More buttons are no longer fuzzy (yay!) -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.3.0 (16/09/22) -Added a new alchemy element: uranium! -Added a new dragon stage with some fancy new features (Surprise! Your dragon has feelings) -Made all the buttons left-aligned to get rid of that annoying unfixable subpixel rendering antialiasing crap -Magic tab now shows the amount of gold needed for the next magic (as long as you don't have any magic-increasing upgrades) -Fixed bug with max all for fire upgrades -Fixed bug with fire upgrades 4 and 5 -Other minor bug fixes and changes v0.2.3 (11/09/22) -Added 2 new magic upgrades -Added confirmation popup toggle for magic resets -Importing earlier saves now makes later stuff disappear -Fixed fire resource text not updating until fire upgrades are unlocked -Some small balances to make early game easier v0.2.2 (10/09/22) -Various bug fixes v0.2.1 (08/09/22) -Fixed a bug where the game is completely broken and unplayable lol v0.2.0 (08/09/22) -Added magic challenges -Added manifolds, which boost gold gain -Added some new magic upgrades v0.1.2 (06/09/22) -Fixed bug where importing a save wouldn't hide max all buttons -Added discord and changelog links v0.1.1 (04/09/22) -Added 4 new magic upgrades and a new platinum upgrade -Main tab now display gold/click -Fixed fire upgrade 2 not affecting production -Fixed fire upgrade 3 being slightly incorrect -Platinum upgrade 6 has been made slightly less powerful -Added some new info text v0.1.0 (04/09/22) -Added magic (lose all resources and upgrades for a big bonus!) -Added magic upgrades -Added new dragon stage (dark dragon) -Updated fire texture to better fit with the rest of the icons v0.0.7 (30/08/22) -Finished the rest of the platinum upgrades -Added new dragon stage (elder dragon) -Minor bug fixes v0.0.6 (29/08/22) -Added platinum and platinum upgrades (only upgrades 1 and 2 work) v0.0.5 (28/08/22) -Added saving and loading, as well as export/import -Slight performance improvements -More magic upgrades require 275,000 magifolds and cost 100,000,000 magic v0.0.4 (27/08/22) -Fire upgrades now do something -Moved resources tab to top corner (fixed in place) -Dragon can now become an adult v0.0.3 (27/08/22) -Fire now multiplies miner production -Added fire upgrades (currently don't work) -Numbers ported over to break_eternity -Fixed home icon not working v0.0.2 (26/08/22) -Theme changed to dragons -Added a dragon -Added fire (does nothing for now) v0.0.1 (25/08/22) -Created game (Sushi Beans 2) -Click and drag feature with two basic boxes