Blenders blend two colors together to make a new one. Colors are reprented by their hex RGB codes.
When blending, each digit of the resulting color has a 45% to match either of the parent digits, plus a 5% chance of a random
value. Blenders can be upgraded to output a max of 3 colors per blend. When you blend a color from the color library that you
haven't seen, you gain a pallete point and unlock the ability to forever reference that color for blending. Match all the colors
to beat the game!
AutoEasel allows colors to be automatically
added to the easel. The "x" character is a wildcard. So, for example, if a blender AutoEasel is set to #FxF0FF, it will add
colors such as #FAF0FF and #F5F0FF to the easel, but not #0AF0FF. They also have
Easels provide a way to hold colors that aren't Library colors, but may be useful on your journey to blending them. Colors in
your easel can be added to the blender, and clicking on colors in Mixtory or having them be added via AutoEasel will populate
the easel.
The library denotes 154 web-color codes for you to collect. Each completed color in the library will add 1
which can be spent on a variety of upgrades. Completed Library colors can be clicked on to
add them to a blender. Blend all the Remaining Library colors to complete the game.
Properties allow you to change the default behavior of a blender. Blenders can have up to 4 properties equipped, although you
must purchase these property slots. There's three basic properties:
"Force" Properties
Force Properties will force the blend outcome to always have the digit present in the resulting color. For example, if your top
blender color is #A0F5D1, the "Force Top Digit 2" will force the output color to always be some form of #x0xxxx. You can force up
to four blender color digits at once, with all four blender slots.
Fast Blending
Fast blending will double the speed of the blender.
No Mutate will remove the random variation from blending. High Mutate will double the mutation chance to 10% per digit.